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- MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle (download)
MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle (download)

Disponibilità online:
Consegna rapida entro 4 giorni lavorativi.
€ 2.187,00
€ 2.059,00
(incl. 22% IVA)
MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle (download)
Codice prodotto: 9000-0060-7990
Termini di garanzia:
Questo prodotto non è coperto da alcuna garanzia.
It's a huge collection but at least you won't have to go shopping for studio gear for a while. The MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle includes no less than 107 outstanding plug-ins. You name it and chances are, it's in there. Reverbs, EQs, compressors, stereo images, saturation, pitch and mastering are only the beginning of an almost endless list. Based in Prague, Melda offer nothing but super-transparent sounding and highly customisable virtual instruments and effects and, if you're new to digital music production, you can visit their website to find a number of handy guides and tutorials.
Consigli e osservazioni
- Please note: This product is a download. An e-mail including a download code and URL shall be sent to you after your purchase is complete.
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- This product is a download. After completing your purchase, you'll receive a packing slip via e-mail which includes the download code and download link.
- It can sometimes take a little while for the packing slip to reach you. Please make sure to check your spam or junk folder.
- Download products sent by e-mail cannot be returned.
- Sustainable product not specified
- Versione educativa no
- Fisico o scaricabile codice per il download via e-mail
- Compatibile con sistema operativo Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux (via Wine)
- Formato plug-in AAX, AU, VST, VST 3
- Tipo di plug-in analisi audio, pacchetto, modulation, compressore / limiter, delay, distorsione, equalizzatore, filtro, panner / imager, pitch shifter / frequency shifter, riverbero, utility, vocoder
- Tipo di aggiornamento main product
Peso e dimensioni imballaggio incluso
- Peso (imballaggio incluso) 100 gr
- Dimensioni (imballaggio incluso) 0,1 x 0,1 x 0,1 cm
- MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle
- included:
- MCabinet
- MChorusMB
- MDoubleTracker
- MDrumLeveler
- MMultiAnalyzer
- MTremoloMB
- MTurboDelay
- MAmp
- MAnalyzer
- MAutoAlign
- MAutoDynamicEq
- MAutoEqualizer
- MAutoPitch
- MAutoStereoFix
- MAutoVolume
- MAutopan
- MAutopanMB
- MBandPass
- MBassador
- MBitFun
- MBitFunMB
- MCCGenerator
- MChannelMatrix
- MCharacter
- MComb
- MCombMB
- MCompare
- MCompressor
- MConvolutionEZ
- MConvolutionMB
- MDelayMB
- MDistortionMB
- MDrumEnhancer
- MDynamicEq
- MDynamics
- MDynamicsMB
- MEqualizer
- MEqualizerLP
- MFilter
- MFlanger
- MFlangerMB
- MFreeformAnalogEq
- MFreeformEqualizer
- MFreeformPhase
- MFreqShifter
- MFreqShifterMB
- MGranularMB
- MHarmonizerMB
- MLimiterMB
- MLimiterX
- MLoudnessAnalyzer
- MMetronome
- MModernCompressor
- MMorph
- MNoiseGenerator
- MNotepad
- MOscillator
- MOscilloscope
- MPhaser
- MPhaserMB
- MPhatik
- MPolySaturator
- MRatio
- MRatioMB
- MRecorder
- MReverb
- MReverbMB
- MRhythmizer
- MRhythmizerMB
- MRingModulator
- MRingModulatorMB
- MRotary
- MSaturator
- MSaturatorMB
- MSpectralDelay
- MSpectralDynamics
- MSpectralPan
- MStereoExpander
- MStereoGenerator
- MStereoProcessor
- MStereoScope
- MStereoSpread
- MTransformer
- MTransient
- MTransientMB
- MTremolo
- MTuner
- MTurboComp
- MTurboCompLE
- MTurboEQ
- MTurboReverb
- MTurboReverbLE
- MUltraMaximizer
- MUnison
- MUtility
- MVibrato
- MVibratoMB
- MVintageRotary
- MVocoder
- MWaveFolder
- MWaveFolderMB
- MWaveShaper
- MWaveShaperMB
- MWobbler
- MXXXCore
- easy to use
- transparent audio quality
- skin-able interface
- system requirements:
- Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32/64), OSX 10.9
- Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
Per questo prodotto non ci sono ancora recensioni.
Pacchetto convenienza
MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle + Devine EZ-Creator Fade
Codice prodotto: 9000-0060-8062
- 1 x MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle (download) € 2.059,00
- 1 x Devine EZ-Creator Fade USB/MIDI Controller € 37,00
Prezzo normale
€ 2.096,00
Prezzo pacchetto convenienza
€ 2.094,00
€ 2,00
Consegna rapida entro 4 giorni lavorativi.
MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle + Devine MR-6A
Codice prodotto: 9000-0060-8063
- 1 x MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle (download) € 2.059,00
- 1 x Devine MR-6A actieve studiomonitor (set van twee) € 201,00
Prezzo normale
€ 2.260,00
Prezzo pacchetto convenienza
€ 2.244,00
€ 16,00
Consegna rapida entro 4 giorni lavorativi.
MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle + Primacoustic
Codice prodotto: 9000-0060-8065
- 1 x MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle (download) € 2.059,00
- 1 x Primacoustic London 8 room kit Beige € 409,00
Prezzo normale
€ 2.468,00
Prezzo pacchetto convenienza
€ 2.436,00
€ 32,00
Tempi di consegna non disponibili
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